I prayed for USC!
Thanks so much for joining us in prayer for the USC campus and our Navigators ministry.

Here's a few resources if you'd like to use one for praying for the campus:

Some specific requests: (Updated 5.3.2021):

* For students we have been connecting with who will spend their summers in SC, NC, GA, and TX.  May they continue to grow in their hunger for God.  Some will continue to meet via phone and Zoom with our staff to read the Bible together.  How cool!

* We're in the process of becoming a student organization!  A rising sophomore has stepped up and is initiating with USC on our behalf.  She'll make a great president!

* Please pray for our staff team as we serve at both in person and virtual Summer Training Programs (STPs), work on staff training and development, and support raising over the next 3 months.  

Total Prayer to date:
144 hours 41 minutes
Goal is 2,000 hours before June 2021

With you,
Ben & Caryn Burchardi
Vivian Christmas
Grayson & Miranda Peterson
Nathan & Laura Johnson
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University of South Carolina
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Date *
Length of prayer time? *
Please list how many minutes you prayed - however long or short, we'll tally all of these for the next year!
Anything you'd like to share with us from your prayer time?
Could be Bible verses God led you to, what you prayed for, what you sensed God said, encouragements for us, etc.
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