Science Teacher Academy application 
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Email *
Name: *
Phone number(s): (please label as work/cell/home) *
Are you an in-service teacher, ed tech, or pre-service teacher? *
School where you teach: *
What grade(s) do you teach: *
The STA calendar is:
October 25 - in-person*
November 8 - in-person*
January 7 & 9 -  Zoom(after school)
March 21 - in-person*
April 8 & 10 -  Zoom(after school)
May 9 - in-person* 
* = Substitute teacher stipend to school

Do you have principal approval for the 4 school day sessions? (pre-service teachers need field placement supervisor approval)
Principal's or supervisor's name and contact information:  *
Now, please tell us about your interest in the STA program.
How did you hear about the STA? *
What do you hope to gain from participation in the STA? *
How do you think you will share your learnings with other teachers in your school/district? *
Is there any other information you would like to share or questions you have?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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