Interlibrary Loan Request
If you need an article that is not in our collection, we can request it for you through interlibrary loan as a member of the Massachusetts Library System (MLS). This service is free! If you have any questions, see Ms. Kitsis for assistance.

Note: It can take two to four weeks to receive articles, though often less, please plan accordingly!
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Your name *
Email address *
We will use this to deliver the article, so be sure to check it!
Article name *
Article citation *
Copy and paste the COMPLETE article citation, or as much information as you were able to find.
Where did you learn about this article? *
Could be a database, book, website, or other journal article. Include URL if available!!
Where have you already checked for the full text of this article?
Check Academic OneFile and Google Scholar before submitting a request to see if the article is already available to you!
Teacher's name
If this article is for an assignment, whose class is the research for?
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