Nearby and Safe is a non-profit project, born from an Italian citizens' initiative, created to give visibility and support to all commercial activities that make home deliveries or click & collect.

Anyone can contribute to the map by declaring a delivery service or click and collect in their neighborhood to highlight to the attention of their neighbors.

All merchants who wish to participate in this initiative can too!

Using this form, it is possible to offer your own home delivery service. Once the registration has been sent, we will moderate and within a few hours, it will be available on the map for residents in your vicinity.

The service offered by is limited to the reception and publication of requests from the community. The platform is not responsible for the veracity of the data provided during the registration of a trade.

For information, support or card suggestions on other services:

Nearby and close: staying at the right distance from others does not mean being far away.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is the business name? (you don't have to be the owner to add a business) *
Which type of business? *
If you selected "Other", specify it here
What additional services than delivery or click & collect does the business offer *
Delivery costs (home delivery, pickup, drive in...) *
What is the geographical coverage of the delivery service ? *
In which City  is the business Located? *
Full address (street, postcode, city) *
Phone number
Other phone number
Web site
Facebook Page
About you
To ensure that the report is from a verified source, and to request additional information from you, please provide some information about yourself. The information below will not be made public or on the card and not used for any commercial service of any kind.
Your full name *
Your email
Your relationship with the business *
Want to add a personal message to the team?
Privacy *
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