WBS Home and School Volunteer Form

A description of each event is listed below. To volunteer for an event, please fill out the below required information, as well as check the box next to the event(s) you are interested in helping with.

The below events are organized and run by the WBS Home & School Association. The events will not be possible without the help of our parent volunteers. Any time that can be volunteered will be greatly appreciated and will help make the events successful for the students of WBS.

Any questions, please reach out to wbshomeandschool@gmail.com

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Parent Name *
Parent Email *
Parent Phone Number *
Name of oldest student at WBS *
Teacher of oldest student at WBS *
Donuts with Grownups (9/22, 1/12, 3/24)

Parent breakfasts are held before school from 7:45-8:20am. Donuts with Grown Ups will be held 3 times a year. Volunteers are needed to bake goodies, and set up/clean up
Paint Night (10/16, 10/17, 10/18, 4/15, 4/16, 4/17)

Paint nights are held at school in both the Fall and Spring, and are led by our art teacher. Volunteers are needed on those evenings to welcome the painters and help arrange dinner.

Holiday Shop (12/6 (PM Set up), 12/7, 12/8)

This event is intended to provide the WBS students with an opportunity to purchase (at cost) inexpensive gifts to surprise their relatives during the holiday season. Volunteers are needed to help purchase gift items prior to December; to price, sort, and display the inventory just before the event; and during the two-day sale at school, to assist the children in making their selections, or to restock the items.

Family Fun Night (2/9, Inline 309)

Volunteers are needed the night of the events to help serve food & beverages, direct families to activities, and set up/clean up.

Parents Night Out Bingo (3/2, St. Maria Goretti)

Volunteers will be needed before the event to help with raffle baskets. Volunteers will be needed the night of the event to pass out bingo cards, sell raffle tickets and other goodies, and help breakdown and clean up the hall.

Fifth Grade Celebration (early June)

Members of this committee are typically parents of fifth grade students. Volunteers work with the fifth grade teachers to organize the graduation celebration. Volunteers meet and work throughout the year to organize any necessary fund-raising activities and to plan a memorable event for the fifth grade graduates and their families. Fourth grade parents are encouraged to help the day of the event so fifth grade parents can participate, and also to see what is involved for the following year.
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