Scientist Sign-up for SaS Great Lakes video calls
Please fill out the form below to be entered in a database of Great Lakes scientists who we can match with classrooms from across the region as part of the Students Ask Scientists (SaS): Great Lakes video calls program.
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Email *
What is the best email address to coordinate your SaS Great Lakes video call(s)? *
First name *
Last name *
What are your preferred pronouns?
OPTIONAL: In case of technical difficulties, is there a phone number you’d be willing to provide to the teacher you’ll be calling? If so, please provide below.
What is your job title? *
What is your university or agency affiliation? *
City where you work *
State/Province where you work *
What is your career stage? [choose all that apply] *
What kind of scientist are you? [choose all that apply] *
What Great Lakes topics would you feel comfortable talking about? [choose all that apply] *
How many video calls are you willing to participate in annually? (Approx. 45 mins per call) *
Can you present and engage in a Q&A session in languages other than English? If so, what language(s)?
OPTIONAL: Some of the classrooms we're working with will have a high percentage of under-represented minority students. Ideally we want them to meet a scientist that looks like them or can relate to the challenges they may face. This question is optional. Do you consider yourself a member of any of the following? [choose all that apply]
With what groups are you willing to meet? [choose all that apply] *
Write a short bio to share with students (less than 200 words) introducing yourself. Ideas for things to include: where you’re from, educational background, job duties, something interesting about yourself.
OPTIONAL but encouraged: Email a photo of yourself (that will be sent with your bio to the teacher) to with the heading "SaS Scientist Photo"
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OPTIONAL: If you have a link to a bio page or any descriptions of the work you do that you would like to pass along, please list those here:
OPTIONAL: If you’re on twitter and want to connect, share your Twitter handle. We are asking educators to use #GreatLakesSaS for any relevant tweets they post about the calls.
OPTIONAL: Prior to a classroom call, would you like to run through your presentation with an outreach specialist (or share a PowerPoint file) for feedback? If interested, we recommend doing this two weeks before your scheduled call.
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Any other questions or comments about the SaS program? If so, feel free to share below.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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