Telluride Venture Network Loan Fund Interest Form

The TVNLF was established in 2024 to help local entrepreneurs access flexible and affordable character-based debt funding. The TVNLF provides working capital loans for business growth and expansion. The program is designed to help businesses create a financial base effectively creating a bridge to future commercial lending. Businesses located in San Miguel, Montrose, Ouray, San Juan, Dolores, Montrose, and Mesa counties can apply for funding. Applicants must also graduate from a TVN boot camp or participate in TVN’s mentoring program.

Please complete the interest form and TVN staff will be in contact shortly. 

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone number *
What is the name of your business?  *
Where is your business located? *
Briefly describe your business. *
How is your business structured? *
How many months has your business been generating revenue? *
Is your business registered and in "Good Standing" with the Colorado Secretary of State? *
How much do you want to borrow (up to $25,000)? *
How do you plan to use these funds?  *
If other, how do you plan to use these funds?
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
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