Health Workers & Patients, Share Your Story!
Thank you for sharing your healthcare story in support of the New York Health Act and Medicare For All!

Our personal stories are a powerful organizing tool that can be highly effective in inspiring others, including our legislators, to take action.

Below are a few optional prompts to help shape a compelling healthcare story for single payer advocacy, including a place to share a short quote for our #MedStoryMonday quotegraphic series.

Please share this form with others!

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Email *
What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
Please fill out the optional prompts below & feel free to ignore prompts that do not apply to your story. Examples are in parenthesis after each prompt.

When I was / As a / I was working at a... (framing specific to your story; your age, job/immigration/health status, stage in life, person in X profession, person living in X location, etc.)
I sought care for / was diagnosed with / witnessed / cared for a patient with... (chronic migraine, health emergency, long term care, mental health crisis, etc.)
I experienced / I was forced to... (wait months to be seen in a free clinic, stop cancer treatments, delay or not get preventative care, spend hours on the phone etc.)
Due to... (The high cost of co-pays, could no longer afford insurance, lack of adequate insurance coverage, lost insurance because of job status, no doctors available in my network, etc.)
I support the New York Health Act & Medicare For All because...(people deserve healthcare regardless of their income, I don't want others to lose x the way I did, etc.)
How would winning universal single-payer healthcare change your life or the lives of your loved ones, colleagues, or patients? (2-5 sentences)
Submit a concise (2-4 sentence) anecdote/quote for our #MedStoryMonday series!
We will be in touch to request a photo!
Do we have your permission to use your story publicly? *
What is your phone number?
Street Address, City/Town, Zip code
Title (ex: MD, RN, CNM, PhD, CPA, etc)  and/or role (ex: teacher, line cook, delivery worker, farmer, family doctor, pediatric nurse, medical student, resident, etc.)
What is your relationship to the health system? (check all that apply)
Optional: Would you like to get involved with PNHP?
There are lots of ways to help, EX: writing, tech team, social media team, translation, research, phonebanking, etc.
I would like to:
Please feel free to submit additional stories via this form at any time.
Thank you! Click "submit" below to finalize.
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