An Offshore Floating Wind Farm In The Kaiwi Channel?

As part of our state’s 2045 100% renewable energy goal, an offshore floating wind farm is being considered for the Kaiwi Channel between East Honolulu and Molokai.

This project is in the community input/education phase, though is already receiving resistance from many groups in East Honolulu due to numerous national defense, environmental, and aesthetic concerns. Notably, years of negotiations, particularly by companies that would like to earn the contract to construct this wind farm, have led to the downgrading of our defense posture in the Kaiwi Channel in order to allow for the exploration of awarding leases for the construction of this renewable energy project.

A benefit of this location would be Hawaii Kai getting more direct electricity input, in contrast to us being at the “end of the line” of the current grid.

While we are looking at about a decade before this project would go online, following the clearing of many hurdles, now is the time for our community to be paying attention and offering our thoughts.

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