Music Consumption in Today's Digital Society  
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Do you make time to visit your local record shop on an album release day?
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Is finding new music quicker and easier on streaming services or do you prefer to browse in a shop to find what you're looking for?
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Do you like having a physical representation of the music with album art to add to a collection?
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Do you think social media and other technology have affected how much focus and attention we give to music listening?
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If you have a music collection, do you think it's more satisfying to see it build up as you buy more records, or do you prefer to have everything as digital files on a computer/phone?
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When you're listening to a particular record or artist, do you dedicate a sizeable chunk of time to it before moving on to the next thing?
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Does audio quality matter to you when you're listening to music?
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Do you think there will still be a substantial audience for CDs and vinyl in the future despite ever-growing technological advancement?
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What is your preferred style of music listening?
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Do you think the full album format is becoming redundant in the face of streaming playlists and digital singles?
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When was the last time you bought a physical copy of an album?
Do you think events like Record Store Day and a renewed interest in vinyl has been helpful in bringing attention to record stores that might be struggling financially?
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What streaming service do you use? Why did you choose it?
Do you think reading lyrics or liner notes along to the music creates a sense of immersion for the listener?
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Do you think having the choice to listen to music in a wide range of formats is beneficial for music listeners?
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Was there an album release that you were really excited for? What format did you listen to it in first? Name the album if you want!
Do you think that there is more of an emphasis placed on music as a service nowadays rather than a full experience?
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Do you collect CDs, vinyl records or cassettes? If so, what are some of the reasons why you like to buy them over other other formats?
Do you have a dedicated space for music listening?
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Do you prefer how music consumption was in the 1980s and 1990s, or are you happy to see digital methods of listening taking over?
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