Want to get involved in the Science Café?
The Science Café is a unique platform where academics and the public come together to celebrate the ingenuity of the human mind. It offers scientists a space to share their expertise and passion and invites any curious mind to engage, learn, and discuss the latest scientific insights and issues over a drink. Science Café Nijmegen has been hosting monthly science-in-the-pub events for the past 20 years, and our organizational team is looking for like-minded people to help continue, develop and grow this space for science and community!

If you're interested to get involved, would like to have chat with us and discover what it’s like to be part of it, let us know and tell us something about yourself!
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Name and surname
How did you get to know about the Science Café looking for new organizers?
What is your current occupation (study/work)?
Have you ever worked in science or in science communication before? And if so, what was your occupation?
Would you tell us a bit about your interest in joining the Science Café?
How’s your fluency in English and in Dutch?
Anything else to add?
Thank you for your interest! Please write here your email address so we can contact you
www.sciencecafenijmegen.nl  / redactie@sciencecafenijmegen.nl
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