Membership sign form 2023

Welcome to Oxford everyone!

If you are interested in becoming an official member of our society, check out the perks below and fill in the form

Membership perks include:

  • FREE access to our esports suite, for tournaments or otherwise
  • FREE access to laptopsVR headsets and peripherals to use off-site
  • Access/Discounts on society socials and events - including this year’s ESI Next-Gen (we are hosting in Oxford!!) and maybe even a ball (things are in the works 👀)
  • Regular free raffles from our partners NZXT and Viewsonic - expect peripherals of all flavours!
  • Voting rights at OUGES committee elections
  • Entry to the official members register

NB: membership is not required to play in the NSE and NUEL tournaments, just that you are a current member of the university!

Membership Cost / Payment:

Yearly - £20
Lifetime - £45

Lifetime membership renews as alumni membership after graduation being our best value package

Bank Details:
Account name: Oxford University Esports Society
Account number: 60892462
Sort Code: 30-98-97
Reference: Please put the same reference you have in this form. For convenience sake, we recommend something identifiable such as FIRSTINITIAL LASTNAME NUMBER: eg SMAZHAR10.

We have a card reader and can take cash payments, please contact a committee member to organise payment if you can't do a bank transfer

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your name *
Are you a fresher? *
Discord ID *
Alumni or student *
If student, what year do you graduate (like Summer 2025). If Alumni put N/A *
Email address  *
Type of membership paid *
Bank Ref (important!)
Date Paid *
Any questions? We will respond to you in discord or email
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