Do you have a current business license in Danville, VA?
Are you a member or the Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce?
Clear selection
Have you received any grant funding from the Danville Office of Economic Development and Tourism?
Clear selection
Business Address
Your answer
Business Contact Name
Your answer
Contact Phone Number
Your answer
Website and Social Media Handles
Your answer
Provide 3 ribbon cutting date options. RDA can do ribbon cuttings on week days at 12 pm or 5pm, so include which time is best. If those times don't work for any reason, contact Kirsten Aherron at 434-791-0210 and we will work with you!
Date and time option 1:
Your answer
Date and time option 2:
Your answer
Date and time option 3:
Your answer
Either RDA or The City of Danville will send a press release out about your ribbon cutting. Please provide a brief quote about why you are opening/expanding in the River District.