Needs Assessment Survey for Blind & Partially Sighted Women In Nigeria- Eagles Voice



As a method to identify the gaps and seek possible interventions for the integration and inclusion of blind/partially sighted women in Nigeria, the Eagles Voice for Disability Rights aspires to be the springboard between the society, blind and partially sighted women in Nigeria.

Hence, the development of this survey by The Eagles Voice.

By participating in this needs assessment survey as a blind or partially sighted woman in Nigeria, you are helping to identify the gaps and your responses can influence activities, projects, resources, etc. that may directly or indirectly be beneficial to the blind and partially sighted women in Nigeria.

Responses will be anonymized and analyzed and participants may be contacted for possible skills development training where need be.

Respondents are advised to truthfully and accurately fill the survey with all honesty and facts.

To fill this survey, you must

·         Be either a blind or partially sighted lady/woman

·         Be eighteen years and above

·         Be either a student, unemployed or employed or desired to change career

·         Be resident in any state within Nigeria

Thank you for taking time to fill this form.

For further communication or clarification on this survey or the initiative, kindly send an email to

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