C3Wallet Airdrop Round 1
C3W has combined AI to blockchain technology, based on the highest security, stability and fast processing, to create an energy welfare platform that supports mobile electronic wallet and connects to electricity fee payments and donations.

Token contract address: https://etherscan.io/token/0x19055b944806fba2717dc694cf0173a1eb2d1604

CoinGecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/c3-wallet/

Token $C3W already listed on BitForex Exchange: https://www.bitforex.com/en/spot/c3w_eth

20,000,000 $C3W will be distributed in the first round of airdrop, tokens will be distributed May 31tst.

The cap for the first round will be 4,000 participants and tokens will be distributed as follows:

Claim free 30,000 $C3W tokens ($3) and earn another 5,000 $C3W ($0.5) for each friend you invite (referal is your telegram username)!


1. Join C3Wallet Telegram Group - https://t.me/C3WalletGroup
2. Join C3Wallet Announcement Channel - https://t.me/C3WalletAnnouncement
3. Follow C3Wallet on Twitter - https://twitter.com/C3Wallet
4. Retweet and like this tweet - https://twitter.com/C3Wallet/status/1259964758121381890
5. Submit your details below.
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Link to your retweet *
Your Email Address *
Your Ethereum Address (ERC-20) *
Referral code (same with Telegram username)
You can invite your friends using your email address. It's an optional row, you can leave it blank if you don't have an inviter.
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