Freedom Festival Parade Application
Priority Application Deadline............................................May 1
Application Deadline........................................................June 5
Final applicant Notification by Parade Committee........June 12
Resubmitted Application Deadline (if applicable)..........June 19


Fee type......................Early Bird.............Standard Deadline Fee.........Late Fee (After June 6)
Commercial Entry........$100.................................$200......................................$250
Governmental Entry.......$50..................................$80.......................................$180
Equestrian Entry.............$20..................................$40.......................................$140


Entry Fee...........................................................$200.00

You will have to provide an image of your float at the end of this application. Any application submitted without an image will NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please have your image ready.

If you are accepted into the parade you will be required to supply two at large volunteers that the parade committee will use wherever they are needed.

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Grand Parade General Rules

The America’s Freedom Festival at Provo (Freedom Festival) is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to
honoring the founding of the United States of America through events that celebrate our country’s
freedoms, teaches the rising generations to appreciate and preserve these freedoms, honor those who have
distinguished themselves in the cause of liberty nationally and internationally, and strengthen individuals
in remembering their own civic duties and responsibilities. Central to the Freedom Festival’s vision is GOD,
FAMILY, FREEDOM and COUNTRY and it strives to promote love, unity, and patriotism in Utah and across
the United States of America.


The purpose of the Grande Parade is to fulfill the Freedom Festival’s vision through an event that brings
our community together as a participant in or spectator of a Grand Parade. The parade is a free community
event for all spectators and occurs only through the generous contributions of sponsors and the support of
hundreds of volunteers.

The Freedom Festival organizes and manages its Grand Parade in its entirety on or around the Fourth of
July. The Freedom Festival owns and operates a web-based portal through which all parade applications
must be submitted for consideration to participate as an entry in the Grand Parade. Incomplete
applications or those submitted after the stated deadlines may not be considered. Each application must

1. describe how it will celebrate the founding of the United States of America, the vision of the
Freedom Festival (described above), or each year’s parade theme,

2. include a clear and detailed description of the entry, the acts, feats, performances or actions of all
accompanying participants, and how spectators will be entertained,

3. include a list of any music to be performed or which will accompany the entry, and how it will be
broadcast to the crowds, which must be approved by the Parade Committee, and how it will be
broadcast to the crowds,

4. describe the quality of the float or vehicle used in the entry, which should be of the highest quality

5. include a picture or conceptual drawing of the entry, and

6. provide the primary contact person, with his or her email and cell phone number, who will be the
person the Freedom Festival will coordinate with for all aspects of the entry. This contact person
must be present the day of the parade and is responsible to ensure all entry participants will abide
by the parade rules and procedures. If the primary contact person must change, the initial contact
person is responsible to notify the Freedom Festival of the change and provide the new contact
person’s email and cell phone number.

Applications that are incomplete, unlawful, promoting a political party platform or issue, defamatory,
obscene or vulgar, or could be disruptive to parade participants and spectators, or otherwise draw
attention away from the Freedom Festival’s vision or annual parade theme, will not be accepted.
The Freedom Festival’s Parade Committee reviews and evaluates each submitted application for harmony
with the Grand Parade’s purpose and application requirements. With Board approval, the Parade
Committee informs accepted applicants of their approval and sends them a link to submit their parade
entry fee. Once payment of the parade entry fee is received, a spot in the parade will be reserved for the
entry. No entry can participate in the parade without first paying the entry fee in full. Entries from previous
parades who have an outstanding encumbrance to the Freedom Festival or any of its vendors or partners,
will not be accepted until all debts are paid in full for past and current obligations to the Freedom Festival
or any vendors or partners.

All accepted entries are required to supply two at-large volunteers that the Parade Committee can assign to
help manage the actual parade. The Freedom Festival Board reserves the right to the limit the number of
like-kind entries in order to maintain the focus on the parade’s purpose and balance for entertainment

If the Parade Committee deems an application inharmonious with the parade’s purpose or that does not
meet the parade requirements in any way, the Parade Committee will send an email to the applicant noting
the specific elements of the application that are inharmonious with the Freedom Festival’s vision or the
parade requirements. The applicant will have one week (7 days) from the date the email is sent to resubmit
an updated application for consideration.


1. Number of Entries. The Freedom Festival Parade will consist of no more than 125 entries to
ensure a timely end of the parade.

2. Setup, Inspection, and Final Approval of Entries. All entries are to be set in their designated spot
and ready for inspection and final approval for participation by the Parade Committee no less than
one hour (60 minutes) prior to the parade start time. If the Parade Committee deems an entry
unsafe in its condition, poor in quality, or as different than what was approved through the application process, the entry will be disqualified and not allowed to participate in the parade. The decision of the Parade Committee to allow or not allow an entry is final and cannot be appealed.

3. Behavior and Activities During the Parade. Any behavior or activity during the parade by an
entry (including any person participating as part of the entry) that is inharmonious to the Freedom
Festival’s vision and parade requirements, rules, and procedures will be disqualified from
participating in future Freedom Festival events (including the Grand Parade) for a minimum of five
years. Should such behavior or activity be deemed egregious by the Parade Committee, the entry
will be escorted off the parade route. The Freedom Festival reserves the right to ask parade security
at any time to escort any individual participating as part of an entry that engages in an egregious
behavior or activity off of the parade route.

Definition of Egregious Behavior or Activity: Any behavior or activity that is unlawful,
promoting a political party platform or issue, defamatory, obscene or vulgar, or could be
disruptive to parade participants and spectators, or otherwise draw attention away from
the Freedom Festival’s vision or annual parade theme.

4. Vehicles. Miscellaneous vehicle entries, such as trucks, convertibles, motorcycles, etc., will not be
allowed in the parade unless the Parade Committee gives specific prior approval to such uses that
meet a special purpose of the parade.

5. Distribution of Candy, Literature or Other Items. The distribution of items along the
parade route has become a serious problem. It has resulted in an increase in the amount of
trash left along the parade route and more importantly has become a safety hazard for
spectators. Therefore, distribution on the parade route of advertisements, literature,
candy, promotional material or any other items, is NOT allowed in the Grand Parade. It
may be passed out in the Entertainment parade but only upon the following conditions:

a. Distribution of items must have approval by the Parade Committee or one of its
officials prior to the beginning of the Entertainment parade. Entries that plan to
distribute items in the Entertainment Parade must include their intent to distribute
items as part of their application. Authorized parade vendors must have approval by
the Parade Committee of all items they wish to distribute.

b. If an entry and its participants distribute unauthorized items or if how the items are
being distributed is contrary to approved modes of distribution, or if the
distribution of the items endanger parade participants or spectators, the entry will
receive a cease and desist order by a Parade Committee official or parade security
under the direction of the Parade Committee. The Freedom Festival and Parade
Committee bears no responsibility for any financial or opportunity loss associated
with their inability to distribute their items. The Parade Committee reserves the
right to prohibit parade entries and vendors who breach this provision from
participating in future Freedom Festival events for no less than five years from the
time of offense and may be subject to prosecution, as appropriate, under Utah
Statutory Code.

c. Candy may NOT be distributed in the Grand Parade. It may be PASSED out in the
Entertainment Parade (Pre-parade) ONLY!!! Any materials to be passed out in the
Entertainment parade MUST BE APPROVED by the parade committee PRIOR to the
day of the parade!!! Distribution must not occur in any manner which encourages or
rewards spectators that move from their viewing area into ANY PORTION of the
street assigned to the parade route as this presents a danger to the spectators. A
maximum of 4 out walkers MUST be provided to pass out candy. No candy can be
thrown from a vehicle,. Violation of this will be cause for immediate removal from
the parade route.

6. Signage. Signage must follow Parade Signage Guidelines. Signage adorning the name of a sponsor
and logo must not detract from the entry or the Grand Parade’s purpose or annual parade theme.
Assigned entry numbers must be affixed to the entry in such a way as to be clearly visible from the
front to both sides of the street throughout the duration of the parade. All questions regarding
proposed signage should go to the Parade Committee (Signage Subcommittee chair) for resolution.

7. Commercialization. Sponsors should avoid over-commercialization. Any commercial message
should be a minor part of the float presentation, should be in good taste, should add to the
entertainment, should not unfavorably detract from the entry presentation and the Grand Parade’s
purpose, and should support the annual parade theme.

8. Campaigning. No campaigning, positive or negative, is allowed by parade participants.
The Freedom Festival is nonpartisan and supports no candidates or elected officials of any party.
Active campaigning during the parade detracts from the purposes of the parade. Each year, a few
currently serving elected Federal officials, a few State and County officers and Provo City’s Mayor
and City Council are invited to participate in the Grand Parade in recognition of the offices each
holds and for the services they have rendered, and not to give them an opportunity to campaign.
No candidate participating in the parade or their supporter for election or re-election may: display
or distribute any materials or voice or transmit audio materials and information in support for or
against theirs or another’s candidacy or walk the parade route to greet or shake hands with
spectators during the Grand Parade. Currently serving elected officials and candidates for election
may appear on a float or in a vehicle, but no reference to any office being sought may be displayed.
No parade entry or persons participating or associated with a parade entry may campaign for a
candidate, an elected official currently serving, or a special interest group’s platform or causes by
displaying or distributing any materials or voice or transmit audio materials and information that
promotes or supports a political candidate, currently serving elected official, or a special interest
group’s cause. Parade entries and their sponsoring organization and persons participating with
each entry are to only promote the annual Grand Parade theme and the vision of the Freedom
Festival from each entry

9. Demonstrations or Protests. No demonstrating, protesting, positive or negative is allowed by
parade entries or participants. No individual or group of individuals may use the Grand Parade as a
forum to demonstrate, protest, display or distribute any materials or voice or transmit audio
materials in support for or against theirs or another’s situation, policy, or political or social position.

10. Rule Publication. It is the responsibility of each entry primary contact person to ensure that every
entry participant is aware of and agrees to comply with these parade rules and procedures. Each
entry participant must be made aware that they must follow the instructions and commands
received from Parade Committee officials, event security, and local law enforcement officers.

11. Entry Participants. Clowns and other costumed participants are highly encouraged so long as they
add to the annual theme of the parade. Each participant must be capable of the exertion required to
complete the route at the pace set by parade officials.

a. Drivers. Drivers must be able to control their vehicles. If adequate sight-lines are not
available, the entry must provide safety personnel who have adequate communications
with the driver in order to ensure the safety of all entry participants and spectators. The
entry primary contact person is responsible to see that the driver and any required safety
personnel have adequate skills, experience, and training to perform their duties.

b. Riders. Riders must be appropriately dressed and costumes coincide with the theme of the
entry and parade. Precautions should be taken to ensure the safety of all riders.

c. Participants / Out-walkers. Care must be taken by all participants to NOT draw spectators
from the viewing area into ANY PORTION of the street assigned to the parade route. No
performance or activity shall be permitted which results in the drawing of spectators onto
the parade route. Safety is of the highest priority for all parade entry participants and

12. Line-up of Parade. Details concerning where to assemble, and other parade instructions will be
emailed out to participants approximately 14 days prior to the date of the parade. This preliminary
information will be emailed to the entry’s primary contact person, as defined on the Parade Entry
Application. Each entry will receive updated information upon check-in. Arrival times must be
strictly adhered to. Arrival is to be defined as all key participants and vehicle(s), if applicable, being
in position in the assigned staging area at the appointed time. Late arrivals may be denied
participation with no fees refunded. Line-up order is to be determined solely by the Parade
Committee and assigned the morning of the parade.

13. Speed, Spacing and Flow of Parade. The entry primary contact person must convey to each entry
participant the importance of maintaining the flow of the parade and following the instructions of
parade officials and pacers. Large gaps between entries are unacceptable and diminish the
spectator’s enjoyment of the parade. Entry participants should expect to be asked by parade
officials or pacers to speed-up, slow-down, or perform to enhance the flow of the parade and for its
effective management and operation. Bands are encouraged to play regularly along the parade
route and particularly when approaching and passing the Grandstand set aside for dignitaries at
approximately 700 East Center Street, which is in the latter third of the parade route.

14. Violation of Rules. Parade entries and their participants who fail to follow these rules will lose the
opportunity to participate in the parade and may be asked to leave the day of the event. Flagrant
violation of these rules may prevent future participation by that organization and/or the
individuals involved for a period of up to five years. Failure to follow the directions received from
Parade Committee officials will be considered a flagrant violation of parade rules.

I agree to abide by the above rules *
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