United Nations Academic Impact Sustainable Development Goals Hubs Application Form
Thank you for your interest in becoming a United Nations Academic Impact Sustainable Development Goals Hub (UNAI SDG Hub). We appreciate your commitment to implementing the SDGs. In order to be considered as a UNAI SDG Hub, we ask that you complete the below form by 30 September 2024. Your responses will help us understand how your institution is already actively contributing to advancing sustainable development and how you plan to further promote the goals within your academic community and beyond. For further information please see terms of reference

Please note only UNAI members are eligible to apply for hub status. If you are not a UNAI member yet, please visit our website to apply.
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1) Select UNAI SDG Hub for which you are applying  *
2) Which role within the selected UNAI SDG Hub you are applying for:
3) Please select your second preference for the UNAI SDG Hub that you would like to apply for  *
This is in case UNAI will not be in a position to grant your first preference.
4) Which role within the selected UNAI SDG Hub you are applying for:
5)  Name of the institution  *

In addition to the full name of the organization, please include any acronym that may be associated with the organization and official English translation. Please make sure you write your organization’s name exactly as it should appear on the UNAI website, should your application be accepted.

6)  Institution’s name official translation into English *
(if original is not English) 
7) Type of University/Organization 
8) Enrollment size of the student body 
9)  Brief description of your academic structure indicating which unit/office will take the lead as the UNAI SDG Hub 
10) Mailing address
11) Country


13) Focal point name *
14) Functional title
15) Phone number
16) Email
Please provide an organizational email address, using your focal point's named email address (e.g. name@organization.org). Avoid using a non-institutional email address (e.g. name@gmail.com, name@yahoo.com, name@hotmail.com, name@outlook.com, etc).
17) Alternate focal point name *
18) Alternate focal point functional title
19) Alternate focal point phone number
20) Alternate focal point email
Please provide an organizational email address, using your focal point's named email address (e.g. name@organization.org). Avoid using a non-institutional email address (e.g. name@gmail.com, name@yahoo.com, name@hotmail.com, name@outlook.com, etc).
21)  Please confirm that you represent your organization in this application? *
22)  Website address *

An official website is required. Any other links, such as links to social media accounts, cannot be accepted in lieu of an official website.

23) Official social media accounts  *


24)  Has your institution served as UNAI SDG Hub before? *
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