New Philadelphia City Schools Student Arrival and Dismissal Plan
Please complete the following survey to ensure your child's arrival and dismissal are documented for student safety. 

You should choose if your child is a walker,  carline pickup, or requesting district transportation.

The Following students are eligible for transportation:
Students in grades K through 12 who reside with their legal guardian and live ONE mile or further from their assigned school of residence by being assigned a designated pick-up and drop-off location.  It is recommended that Kindergarten students have an adult present at pick-up and drop-off location:
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School Year  *
Please choose the type of transportation you are requesting:
Parent/Legal Guardian Name *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student Date of Birth *
Street Address *
City  *
Phone Number *
Grade *
Please select the School your child will be attending: *
Request Type

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