Horizon Student T-Shirt Order and PTO Dues--Due September 4
Each year, each student at Horizon gets a T-shirt in his/her grade level's color.  Please complete this form to let us know your child's size.  If you are able, we appreciate a $10 donation for the shirt cost. All children will get a shirt regardless of payment.  If you would like to help purchase a shirt for a child who may not be able to afford one, your generosity is greatly appreciated!  

PTO provides a great opportunity to work with teachers and staff to provide the best overall experience for our children.  It costs just $5 per family to become a PTO member.  We occasionally email PTO members to fill volunteer opportunities or donate items for events.  Your support truly makes a difference to our students and teachers!  Thank you in advance for your support!   !
--Horizon PTO

Questions??  Please reach out to emilybostoncrain@gmail.com 
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Child's name (first and last) *
Grade Level
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Teacher's Name
T-shirt Size *
I am sending a donation ($5 for PTO membership + $10 for the student t-shirt) via:
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