Lehigh Microscopy School 2025 Interest Form
Please select which course you want to take by ticking the relevant boxes.
Your choices matter.

 While we cannot guarantee that each class will be offered or the prices, your interest drives our course offerings.
The courses will run concurrently from June 2 - 6, 2025. 
Except for the Intro to SEM, which is held on Sunday, June 1, 2025 (one day only class)
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Introduction to Scanning Electron Microscopy
A one-day course with lectures and labs related to the basic operation of the SEM.
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Main Course:
Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis
Provides a working knowledge of SEM and EDS X-ray microanalysis as well as an introduction to variable-pressure (environmental), high-resolution SEM, and low-voltage SEM. Students are encouraged to bring their own specimens.
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Main Course:
Transmission Electron Microscopy
This course provides an overview of the concepts, instrumentation and application of TEM. It explores topics such as specimen preparation, TEM and STEM imaging modes, electron diffraction, EDS and EELS analysis, and processing of images and spectra. Coverage is also given of more specialized techniques such as electron tomography, in-situ microscopy and aberration correction. 
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Focused Ion Beam: 
Instrumentation and Applications
Ion-solid interaction theory will be introduced and used in describing methods of specimen preparation for SEM, TEM, AFM, Auger, SIMS, and atom probe. Other topics covered include 2D/3D FIB/SEM analytical characterization, milling/deposition techniques for nanotechnology, and advances in instrumentation.
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Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis:
Problem Solving Using EDS and WDS Techniques
BRING A SPECIMEN – SOLVE A MICROANALYSIS PROBLEM! Discover how to get the highest quality results for a wide variety of materials doing analysis and X-ray mapping with silicon drift detectors, Si(Li) EDS, and WDS. Master problem-solving and quantitative analysis using advanced software tools. Learn how to get the best analytical resolution by working at low voltages. Get new tips on how to deal with challenging samples like beam-sensitive materials, particles, surface layers, and rough surfaces. Learn the best ways to analyze light and trace elements.
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Problem Solving:
Interpretation and Analysis of SEM/EDS/EBSD

This course will help experienced SEM/EDS/EBSD users to interpret images and analytical data, to use simulations to solve practical problems, and to understand SEM principles more deeply.
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