CDMA Feedback Form
This CDMA Feedback Form is another avenue to share your feedback, comments, and ideas with us. Thank you!
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Feedback for the vaccine and testing protocol work groups.
Any feedback provided in this section will be submitted to an administrator assisting with the development of the vaccine and testing protocol.
Feedback for representatives serving on participatory governance bodies.
Please identify the group: District Consultation Council, Meet & Confer, Board Policy and Administrative Procedure, Budget, Technology, Health Benefits Advisory Committee
Feedback on CDMA’s focus for the 2021-2022 academic year.
(1) Communication: Improve communication channels to keep managers well informed. (2) Internal processes and structures: Build CDMA’s infrastructure to outline fundamental systems and processes. (3) New initiatives: CDMA’s role in restoring and building trust, developing a mentorship and/or leadership program, and onboarding.
Preference on upcoming networking and social opportunities, including your preference for in-person or remote activities.
Other concerns and considerations.
If you want a response back, please share your name.
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