Dagger Isles Playtest Principles
Thank you for your interest in playtesting The Dagger Isles, a supplement for Blades in the Dark. Please read over these principles and, if you agree with them, fill out the information at the bottom and submit!
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I recognize my value as a voice to the public about this game.
Therefore, I will talk about my playtest experiences, in public, whether it's on my blog, my podcast, the forums I frequent, or with the people I meet and game with.
I recognize my value as a word-of-mouth sales-force for this product.
Therefore, when I speak publicly about my playtesting experiences, I will do so mindfully, recognizing that what the public does with what I share may not always be what I intend. I understand this does not mean I should speak with artificial enthusiasm or acclaim, but I should share my enthusiasm and enjoyments when they happen.

When encountering speed bumps and failures along the way, I will speak fairly, and try to preface my comments with the explicit mention that this is an early playtest and some problems are to be expected. I am responsible for what I say, but I am not to police others; they may say what they say. Whenever possible, I will share my off-list discussions (actual play reports, thoughts as I read the materials, etc.) with Evil Hat Productions and the creators so they might keep tabs on them.
I recognize the value of directing others to the game's official source.
Therefore, I will encourage others to obtain the game text from the official source. This will help ensure that playtesters are using the most up-to-date materials and are aware of future opportunities to support the creators.

Note: You have explicit permission to share the game text with your playtest group and to publicly post small excerpts to help illustrate your commentary on the draft rules.
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