Good Dog's Club Grant Program: Interest Form
As part of our mission to support the good forces in the dog world, we are thrilled to support Clubs in their extraordinary efforts to build a better world for dogs and the people who love them. If you are interested in applying to be a Good Dog Grant Recipient, please fill out this form with a bit more information about your Club! Filling out this Form is the first step in us getting the conversation started with your Club, and learning more about how we can support you. 😀
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Club name
Link to Club Website (if applicable)
What organization or registry is the Club associated with?
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If you answered 'Other' to the previous question, please specify which organization or registry the Club is associated with, if any
Please specify the geographic area that is covered by your Club's charter
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If your geographic territory is international, regional, or local, please specify the specific countries, regions, or locations associated with your Club.
What is the size of the Club (roughly how many current members are there)?
Club Point of Contact Name
Point of Contact Club Position (i.e., Club member, Club officer, Club Board member, Club committee member)
Club Point of Contact Phone Number
Club Point of Contact Email Address
(Optional): Are you or any members of your Club's Board members of Good Dog?
(Optional): Please provide a bit more information about how the Club would like to use the Good Dog Grant.
Is there any additional information you would like to share with our Club Grant Program Board?
Next Steps
Please help us succeed in our mission by sharing this Club Grant Program Form with your national, regional, and local clubs!

If your Club is selected to move forward to the next part of our application process, you'll be hearing from us within two weeks to discuss next steps with you and your Club’s Board!

If you have any questions, please email Nicole Engelman (!
Thank You!
Thank you so much for your time and for your interest in Good Dog’s Club Grant Program! We are so inspired by your contributions to the dog world and are so grateful to you for all the good that you do for our dogs and the people who love them! 🐶❤️
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