U-M Life Sciences Orchestra Prospective Member Form
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Interested in joining the LSO? Please fill out this form!
The U-M Life Sciences Orchestra is for anyone affiliated with the life, health and medical sciences across all of the University of Michigan. Please visit lso.med.umich.edu for more about us.

If you are a current undergraduate without a declared major in the life/health sciences, or you have no current or past affiliation with the U-M life sciences community as defined in this document, please seek another ensemble.

After filling out this form you will be added to our email list to receive information about auditions and concerts.

Before auditioning, please check the website for our rehearsal and concert dates and audition requirements, and read our FAQ. The LSO realizes that life sciences community members are extremely busy, but accepting a position in the LSO means accepting a responsibility to your fellow musicians to learn your music, attend rehearsals, and attend concerts. If you know you will have regular conflicts with LSO rehearsals and concerts, do not audition! Regular unexcused absences will result in dismissal from the orchestra.

If auditions have already taken place, you are still encouraged to fill out this form. That way, we can contact you when openings arise.
Your name *
Please include your full name (as listed in the U-M directory) and any nickname you use
Contact information *
Please give us your cell and/or home phone, campus address (if you work or live on a U-M campus), and/or home address. We will not share this information with anyone!
Your email address *
Who you are *
The LSO gives first priority in auditions to members of the U-M Life Sciences community as defined in this document. Please help us understand who you are:
What school/college/unit you are affiliated with *
If you have several, list the main one. If your affiliation isn't listed below, but your work/studies relate to the life sciences, choose Other and add a note below.
If you answered Other, please describe your affiliation and how your work or studies relate directly to the life sciences. If you are not a current or past member of the U-M community whose work or studies relate to the life sciences, please seek another ensemble.
Your title or designation *
If you are a student, please describe your level (for example, M1, D1, Master's student, precandidate, Ph.D. candidate). If you are faculty, staff, or volunteer and have a job title (for example, research assistant, nurse, professor) please enter it here.
The primary instrument that you own and play *
How many years you've played it, and the last time you played *
Any other instruments you play - and let us know if you own them or have access to them, and your years of experience
Have you played with other musical ensembles at U-M or elsewhere? If so, list them
We hold occasional Concerto Competitions, to choose a soloist to perform with the orchestra. Would you potentially be interested in auditioning?
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Are there any pieces you'd especially like the LSO to play?
Would you be interested in volunteering with the LSO? Do you have any special skills or interests that might help us?
You may add any details about yourself or any of the information you entered in this form in the box below. When finished, press the send button. You should be forwarded to a webpage confirming that your information was sent. Thanks for your interest in the University of Michigan Life Science Orchestra!
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