Commissions [OPEN] 
Thank you for your interest in commissioning me.
This form is just to acknowledge my terms and conditions prior to working with clients.
Please note, that the average turn-around time is 3 - 4 weeks depending on complexity of the project and my health. As of 07/13/2023 I will not turn-over completed projects until ALL funds have been paid for a project. Additionally a down payment that is half of the final cost will be required prior starting a project.

Document Creation Date: 06/22/2022
Revised: 07/13/2022
Copyright © 2022 Styxx Starchild All rights reserved.

Please contact me me on Discord (AmbiQT) or Twitter (@UmbiQT) as soon as possible with a note stating you'd like to commission me after filling out this form. That will be the fastest route quick turn-around and for responses.

Note: Ichor only rigs for the V-Tech Flat Chest (ebody Reborn) & the eBody Reborn bodies as of 10/25/23.
Other avatars will not be supported without discussion. Items that require older bodies will have an additional cost of up to $200.00.
Are you 18 years or older? *
In order to sign this contract you must be the legal age of 18 to enter in a valid contract.  If you are not above the age of 18 you must have a parents or legal guardian present and their permission to fill out an application.​
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