Thurston County Regional Housing Council Homeless Services Advisory Council Membership Application
Thank you for your interest in applying to be a member of the Homeless Services Advisory Board for the Regional Housing Council

The primary purpose of the Homeless Services Advisory Board is to make recommendations to the Regional Housing Council (RHC) on funding priorities, funding awards, and policies related to the Homeless Crisis Response Plan and to state, and local funds that are awarded through the Regional Housing Council and approved by the Thurston County Board of Commissioners, as the fiscal agent of such funds. 

These funds include Consolidated Homeless Grant (CHG), Housing and Essential Needs (HEN), HB 2163, HB 1277, Emergency Housing Funds (EHF), Human Services Fund, and other funding that may be designated at a future date to support the homeless crisis response plan.

The Homeless Services Advisory Board shall consist of no less than 8 members and no more than 14 voting members who serve as subject matter experts in the field of homeless services. Applications will be scored based on eligibility criteria as outlined in the RHC Advisory Board Charter such as:
  • Residing or working in homeless services within Thurston County
  • Being an active member of the Housing Action Team, or HAT sub- workgroup
  • Homeless response specific subject matter expertise
 With an aim for identifying a strong and diverse board, other factors that will prioritized include: 
  • Direct service experience (case management, peer worker, shelter provider, outreach worker, etc)
  • Lived experience/ expertise 
  • Candidates with identities are over-represented in the Homeless Crisis Response System*
  • Candidates who live/work within rural parts of Thurston County.
An individual may only sit on one Regional Housing Council Advisory Board. Please refer to the Regional Housing Council Advisory Boards Charter for more information and eligibility criteria.

It is our intent to honor our commitment to centering people with lived experience/expertise with homelessness and those who's identity group* is one that is overrepresented within those seeking services in Thurston County's Homeless Crisis Response System. 

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and will be reviewed by the HSAB Staff Liaison and the Board Recruitment Subcommittee members when vacancies arise on the board. 

*Black, Indigenous, People of Color; LGBTQIA+, living with disability
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First Name *
Last Name *
Preferred Method of Communication *
Email (if you do not have an email, please indicate by typing n/a) *
Phone Number *
Alternate Phone Number
Street Address *
In what jurisdiction do you reside? Even though your mailing address may list Olympia, for example, you may reside in the County or other Jurisdiction. *
Place of Employment - if currently retired, a volunteer, self-employed or unemployed, please indicate below. If you are not working at this time for any reason, you will not be excluded from membership.  *
Are you an active member of  the Thurston Thrives Housing Action Team (HAT), HAT Sub-group (Homeless Housing Hub, Affordable Housing Team, Senior Housing Team, Rental Housing Workgroup)? *
Are you a representative of the Lived Experience Steering Committee? *
Have you ever personally experienced homelessness? (Have you ever in your life not had a place with a roof to sleep at night? Lived out of your car? At a shelter? A friend's couch?) *

Board composition may include representatives from the following groups, with the intent to have a diverse mix of homeless services related expertise represented on the Homeless Services Advisory Board.

Please select up to three areas of expertise that best describe your involvement in homeless services.

**By and For organizations are operated by and for the community they serve. Their primary mission and history is serving a specific community and they are culturally based, directed, and substantially controlled by individuals from the population they serve. At the core of their programs, the organizations embody the community’s central cultural values. These communities may include ethnic and racial minorities; immigrants and refugees; individuals who identify as LGBTQ+, individuals with disabilities or who are deaf; and Native Americans.


Introduce yourself. Please provide a brief summary of your interests and include why  you wish to serve on the Homeless Services Advisory Board. Think of this as introducing yourself to the Regional Housing Council. (500 words or less)


Describe your specific work or lived experience, qualifications, and/or skills which would benefit the Homeless Services Advisory Board. (500 words or less)

How many years, if any, have you worked as a direct service staff in the Homeless Crisis Response System? (case manager, outreach worker, peer services, housing navigator, shelter staff, drop-in staff, advocate, etc) *
Please describe why focusing on equity* when serving on an advisory board that will be making policy and funding recommendations to address homelessness in Thurston County is necessary? (500 words or less)

*Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome

Appointment to the Homeless Services Advisory Board will require your attendance at monthly meetings and will require you to undertake intermittent other work outside of scheduled meetings (reading funding applications and meeting preparation for example). 

Once appointed, members will fulfill onboarding requirements, including training and reading assignments. It is anticipated that these activities will take 10-12 hours to complete.

Following initial onboarding, it is anticipated that there would be a commitment of a minimum of 2 hours per month for regular members. However, during the annual RFP reviewing, scoring, and discussion time frame, members will be expected to spend 8-10 hours for those activities.

If you serve as Chair of the Advisory Board, an additional 3 hours per month would be expected to be dedicated to attending RHC meetings.

How many hours per month would you be able to dedicate to Advisory Board work?

Racial Identity - check all that apply  (optional)
Sexual Orientation - check all that apply  (optional)
Gender Identity - check all that apply  (optional)
Do you identify as living with a disability? (optional) 
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