ComixLaunch 5-Day Challenge Survey
Thanks so much for registering for the ComixLaunch 5-Day Kickstarter Challenge, and for taking a minute to fill out this short survey so that we can make it even better in the future.

As thanks for your feedback, once you complete this survey, you'll get access to a powerful BONUS training that builds upon one of the biggest lessons inside the challenge.


-Tyler James
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Which best describes your participation in the ComixLaunch 5-Day Kickstarter Challenge? *
What was the main reason you registered for the spring challenge / the #1 thing you hoped to get out of it? *
How would you honestly rate the 5-Day Kickstarter Challenge? *
Poor, a complete waste of time
Awesome, extremely valuable
What was the most valuable part of the challenge for you? *
Did you enroll in The ComixLaunch Course after the challenge? *
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