Join Women in Experimentation
1. Safe space. In the Women in Experimentation Slack are 1000+ people that identify as female or non-binary.

2. Give and take. Ask all the questions you want, get access to likes from our social media army, see vacancies from women in our field, but also help others by responding, sharing jobs within your company en meet up in real life if possible!

3. Our intention is... helping women get an 'unfair' advantage by connecting them together.

4. I agree to receiving occasional email updates from WIE.

5. We're dedicated to WIE being a safe space for everyone. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form and want everyone to feel safe. Participants violating these rules will be expelled from the group at the sole discretion of our administrators. If you feel unsafe or if you notice someone being harassed, please contact one of our admins: Lucia van den Brink, Daphne Tideman or Marcella Sullivan. We also try to be a sales-free space, but there will be benefits for participants like discounts to events or courses. 

🎙️ Looking for the list of female speakers for events and podcasts? It's here.
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