Home Tour Volunteer Sign Up

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at SF Environment's Electric Home Tour!

Date: Sunday, September 29
Time: Tours run from 1-4 PM; volunteers are needed from 12-4 PM.

Event description: This year, the San Francisco Environment Department is hosting our first-ever electric home tour to showcase electric living, educate San Franciscans on electrification, and connect residents with resources to electrify their own homes. The event is free and open to the public.

This event is free and open to the public. 

Volunteer responsibilities: Volunteers are crucial to help control the flow of traffic at each house throughout the tours. As a volunteer we would ask for you to monitor the comings and going of folks and helping group them for sequential rounds of tours, which will be guided by the resident(s).

No electrification knowledge or experience needed!

Thank you in advance for your interest in serving as a volunteer, we couldn't do it without you!

For any questions, please reach out to elise.mclane@sfgov.org.

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Email *
Phone number *
Please provide your first and last name  *
Are you available on September 29 from 12-4 pm  *
Is there a specific home you would like to be stationed at? (Please provide the name of the resident if you have someone in mind).
Do you have any questions or comments? 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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