I-MO Application Winter 2024
Thank you so much for your interest in Innovation in Motion!
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Full Name *
Uniqname *
Expected Graduation Year *
Phone Number
Major / Minor (if applicable) *
Do you intend on joining the Shark Tank or Idea Incubator branch (more information on website)? *
Why are you interested in joining Innovation in Motion? (maximum 200 words) *
What is your previous entrepreneurial experience? Are there any projects you are currently working on? *
What characteristic do you believe is the most important in an entrepreneur? *
Would you be interested in an entrepreneurship oriented book club?
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Rapid Fire
If you had to perform ONE talent in a talent show for an hour, what would it be? *
Would you rather be an Equilateral, Isosceles, or Scalene Triangle? Please explain your reasons why in 50 words or less. *
Which Shark Tank "shark" do you relate to the most?
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Are there any accommodations that you need our club to provide during the recruiting process?
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