Non-Public Parent/Guardian Transportation Reimbursement Form 2024-25
West Des Moines Community Schools (WDMCS)

Parent/Guardian of nonpublic students may request reimbursement for transportation expenses per Iowa Code Section 285.1.

Parents/guardians may make a request for reimbursement using this form if the following apply:
  • Your student(s) resides within the West Des Moines Community Schools district boundaries. Only one request per student may be submitted to any district for split households.
  • Your student(s) does not have access to district provided transportation.
  • Your K-8 student’s residence is located 2 miles or more from their school of attendance. Your 9-12 grade student’s residence is located 3 miles or more from their school of attendance. Distance is measured using the most direct route starting at the roadway opposite the private entrance to the residence of the pupil and ending in the roadway opposite an entrance to the school grounds.
  • Parents/guardians within the WDMCS boundary must make a claim for first semester by December 1.  Second semester claims must be made by May 1
  • Full-year reimbursement requests can be made at one time by December 1. Select the "Full Year" option in this form.
If you have any questions regarding your claim, please contact the WDMCS Transportation
Department at 515-633-4902, option 2, or email
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Email *
Parent/Guardian Information
Parent/Guardian First Name *
Parent/Guardian Last Name *
Parent/Guardian Address *
Parent/Guardian City *
Parent/Guardian State *
Parent/Guardian Zip Code *
In previous years, have you submitted a request for a transportation reimbursement request with WDMCS? *
What semester(s) are you requesting reimbursement for? *
Please confirm that you are submitting a request for SECOND semester by May 1, 2025. Claims for first semester and the full year were due by Dec. 1, 2024.  
Is this the address that the student resides? *
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