Land Agent registration for Double Wars 2025
As last year, we will be organizing camp groups in advance to simplify registration. In case your camp is a group i.e. will contain more than one tent/caravan please register Land Agent and Camp name in this form. This will allow us to add your camp name to the list in the main event registration form, so it can be selected by yours camp members when they are registering to the event.

Before the Double Wars event, the Land Agent will receive an email with information about who has registered to stay in your camp (expected in the second half of April)
At the same time the Land Agent will be asked to send us information about:
  • Where you want to place your camp.
  • Tents and other equipment in your camp, such as their size.

When you register as land agent you accept the responsibility of ensuring the following:
  • That all sleeping/living tents in your camp are equipped with a fire extinguisher.
  • That the fireplace in your camp is 50 cm (20 in) above ground.
  • That there is a bucket of water or sand by the fireplace.
  • All tents are on the right side of the fire alley marked by ropes.
  • That you and the ones that live in your camp follow the site rules.
  • If you or anyone in your camp have any problems during the event, please contact the autocrats.

Best regards
Site & Grounds autocrats 
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Email *
Land Agent's Name *
Land Agent's SCA Name
Land Agent's Mobile Number *
Camp Name *
Camp Type *
Is there anything else you want the Site & Ground Autocrats to know about your camp or the people staying in your camp?
GDPR Consent: All data provided will be kept within GDPR guidelines and will be accessed only by the relevant members of the event team. Your personal data will be saved for up to one year. Please tick to confirm that you agree to this usage.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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