HI International Online English Tutoring Volunteer Program:  Student Registration 
Hanlin Institute (HI) is a platform supporting students and parents who help each other to build up positive, creative, competitive and confident students.

Thank you for your interest in our HI International Online English Tutor Volunteer Program. Please fill out the form to be a student in the Program. We will get back to you soon. 


感谢您对我们 《HI国际在线英语辅导项目》  的兴趣。请填写表格以成为项目中的学生。我们会尽快与您联系。

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Do you want to improve your spoken English, reduce your accent, practice English conversation, and improve your school English grades? Would you like to become an online language exchange friend with middle school or high school students from the U.S.? You can join the “ HI International Online English Tutoring Volunteer Program" The Program is a non-profit project organized by Hanlin Institute, a U.S.-based educational and cultural non-profit organization.

These online student tutors are passionate volunteers who help the community and aim to create a better world. The program offers one-on-one or group tutoring sessions. The program accepts rolling admissions.  

The Program does not charge tuition, but to maintain basic operations, a registration fee of $30 is charged per semester (4 months, 16 sessions, 50 minutes per session), with no additional fees. The registration fee is only requested after you try a session. Students from impoverished areas can have the registration fee waived.

If you find the program valuable, you are welcome to donate any amount to support its continued operation.

你想提高英语口语,减少口音,练习英语对话, 同时提高学校英语成绩吗 ?你想和来自美国的中学生或高中生成为线上英语交流学习的朋友吗?你可以参加 《HI国际在线英语辅导项目》  。此项目是由美国以教育文化为内涵的非盈利组织,翰林教研中心主办的非盈利项目。


《HI国际在线英语辅导项目》  不收学费,但为了维持最基本运营,每学期(4个月16次课, 每次50分钟)仅收取注册费 $30美金, 无其它费用。试课一次后,才请交这注册费。来自贫困地区的学生也可以免收注册费。


Student First and Last name 学生全名 *
Student Email Address 学生电子邮件 *
Your current grade at your school? 学校年级 *
Parent/Guardian full name 家长姓名 *
Contact phone number 联络电话 *
Parent/Guardian Email address 家长电子邮件 *
Parent/Guardian Wechat ID 家长微信 *
What tutoring time do you prefer? 50 minutes one time.   您方便的辅导时间?每次50分钟。
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How did you hear about  HI International Online English Tutor Volunteer Program  ?您从哪里知道  《HI国际在线英语辅导项目》    ?
HANLIN INSTITUTE STUDENT/TUTOR CODE OF CONDUCT: As a student tutor participating in the  HI International Online English Tutor Volunteer Program,   I agree to: Get ready for the classes at least three minutes ahead of the class time. Maintain a mutually respectful, honest, and safe online learning environment. Use polite and respectful language and absolutely avoid cyberbullying and profanities. Refrain from unlawful discrimination including age, race, gender orientation, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, or disability. Honor an equitable tutor/student relationship. Fulfill commitments made to your student/tutors and tutoring team. Respect the dignity and value of all people, and the rights of individuals to privacy, confidentiality, and self-determination. Respect cultural, individual, and role differences, including those based on age, sex, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, and socioeconomic status. Not exchange personal information (including name, email address, telephone number, school information, or any other contact social media information) with other people without consent from the tutor's or other learners' parent/legal guardian. I understand that Hanlin Institute /Hanlin Education Foundation of America has the right to remove me from the program temporarily or permanently if I fail to follow the above code of conduct. 

作为参与美国翰林教研中心(Hanlin Institute)(隶属美國翰林文教基金會 Hanlin Education Foundation of America )   《HI国际在线英语辅导项目》    的学生,我同意以下条款:
我明白,如果我未能遵守上述行为规范,美国翰林教研中心/美國翰林文教基金會 有权暂时或永久将我从项目中移除。

PARENT WAIVER AND RELEASE: I hereby grant my permission and consent for my child, the Minor, to participate in the   HI International Online English Tutor Volunteer Program  through online classes utilizing the Zoom video conferencing service (or other similar services, subject to change with a notice in advance) or other face-to-face trainings or activities.
I understand that the classes are taught mostly by middle or high school students. To ensure cyber safety /security and protect the privacy of my child, I will monitor the Minor for the duration of each class.
I agree and understand that the Minor must comply with the rules and regulations established by Hanlin Institute / Hanlin Education Foundation of America  and that failure to do so may result in the Minor’s removal as a learner/tutor.
I understand the online conferencing services contain audio & video interactions that include the Minor. I may allow the Minor to exchange his/her personal information (name, email address, telephone number, school information, or any other contact social media information) with other students and tutors upon receiving parental consent from all involved parties. I understand that this exchange represents my consent and permission.
I, the under-agreed parent or legal guardian of the above Minor, for myself and on behalf of the above Minor, willingly and voluntarily accept and assume all risks, or damages, known or unknown, which might occur as a result of the Minor's voluntary participation in the  HI International Online English Tutor Volunteer Program  . In consideration of accepting the registration and permitting the voluntary participation of the above Minor in this program, for myself and on behalf of the above Minor, I hereby release, discharge, and agree to hold harmless Hanlin Education Foundation of America or Hanlin Institute, its employees, volunteers, officials, sponsors and other representatives from any claims, lawsuits, demands, costs, expenses and compensation arising out of or in any way related to any physical injury or other damage that may result to the Minor while participating in this program.
I hereby authorize and consent to the use of his/her visual image by the Hanlin Institute/Hanlin Education Foundation of America for appropriate purposes, including but not limited to: still photography, videotape, electronic and print publications, and websites. I give this consent with no claim for payment. I have carefully read this release and waiver and fully understand its contents.
I am aware that this is a release of liability and a contract between Hanlin Institute/Hanlin Education Foundation of America, its officers, employees, representatives and volunteers and myself and I agree with it of my own free will. 


我在此同意并允许我的孩子作为学生(未成年人)参加美国翰林教研中心(Hanlin Institute)(隶属美國翰林文教基金會 Hanlin Education Foundation of America )的  《HI国际在线英语辅导项目》   以下称为项目),通过Zoom视频会议服务软件(或其他类似服务软件,软件如有变更将提前通知)进行在线英语辅导课程。





我已仔细阅读本责任豁免声明并完全理解其内容。我知悉这是一份责任豁免协议,适用于美国翰林教研中心/美國翰林文教基金會 ,其官员、员工、代表和志愿者与我之间的合同,并且我自愿同意此协议。
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