Sacred Harp Museum Internship Application
The Sacred Harp Museum seeks an intern for monthlong residency at the Sacred Harp Publishing Company Headquarters in Carrollton, Georgia, during the summer or fall of 2019. The intern will help improve the preservation and accessibility of the museum’s unparalleled collection of Sacred Harp and shape-note music recordings, manuscript music, songbooks, correspondence, photographs, and ephemera through cataloging, archival organization and description, conservation, and collection development.

For more information on the internship program and the position description for the 2019 intern, see the Sacred Harp Publishing Company website.

Internship program:
2018 position description:

Applications are due May 20, 2019, at 11:59 pm EST.
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Name *
Email address *
Phone number *
Mailing address *
Preferred residency dates *
List your preferred dates for the month-long resident internship. Include alternative periods that would also work for you. (The intern will stay at the Sacred Harp Museum near Carrollton, Georgia, for the duration of the internship period.)
Relevant experience *
Describe your experience with library cataloging, archival preservation and description, and digital archives. Detail any other relevant work such as historical or archival research, work at museums or libraries, or digital audio/video editing. List relevant skills including experience with cataloging software, cloud storage platforms, and audio/video/image editing applications. (Maximum 1,000 characters.)
Interest in position *
Why are you interested in interning for the Sacred Harp Museum. How will this position contribute to your Sacred Harp singing experience and serve your professional goals? (Maximum 1,000 characters.)
Sacred Harp singing experience *
What is your background in Sacred Harp singing? (Maximum 500 characters.)
Professional reference *
Name, email address, and phone number of someone who can speak to your experience relevant to this position.
Sacred Harp reference *
Name, email address, and phone number of a Sacred Harp singing friend or mentor.
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