CJ Fallon National Teacher Awards 2020 COVID HERO 2020
2020 and the Corona virus crisis present unique challenges for education in Ireland and to that end the organisers are creating a special award for this year: The 2020 National Teacher Awards Covid Hero.
This special, one time, award will honour a person or persons who have gone the extra mile to provide continuity of education in the Republic of Ireland during the Covid 19 pandemic.

There is no cost to enter and it will take no more than 5 minutes to submit a nomination.
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Your Details
Give us a few short details about yourself so we can get in touch if we need to
Your Name(s) *
Your School (If you were a 2nd level student in 2020)
COVID Hero Nominee Details
Tell us about your Nominee for COVID Hero 2020!
COVID Hero Nominee Name *
Name of the School or other organisation that the Nominee works at *
Nominee Teaching Subject or Job Title (If Appropriate)
Category (Please tick here to confirm you are submitting for the 2020 COVID Hero Award) *
Tell us why your nominee deserves to the the National Teacher Awards COVID Hero 2020 (Minimum 50 Words) *
I consent to The National Teacher Awards Organisation, CJ Fallon and / or  Alchemy Events Ltd to  use my data and personal information as submitted here for the purposes of running and managing the National Teacher Awards competition. *
Please tick to give consent
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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