AVS Enrollment Form (2024-25 School Year)
For students going into grades 6-12:  Please fill out the form below COMPLETELY to be considered for enrollment into the Alamance Virtual School for 2024-25 school year based on available (open) seats in each grade level.  All information must completed and correct upon submission of this form. New students will be enrolled on a first come, first serve basis and availability. 

If your child is enrolled in the Alamance Virtual School you are committing them to attend for the entire 2024-25 school year. 
Email *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Student PowerSchool Number (Student ID) or NA: *
Student Date of Birth *
Does the student have an IEP or 504 plan? *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent Contact Phone Number *
Grade level for the upcoming 2024-25 school year. *
Please state the school your child is currently attending/enrolled for the 2023-24 academic year. *
I understand that upon enrollment I am committing my child for the entire 2024-25 school year.  If virtual learning is not conducive to my child's style of learning, I can transition my child back to their home school at the end of the 24-25 school year.  I also understand that my child must be in class AND visible on camera virtually during the AVS school hours. *
I understand my child must use their district-issued chromebook to attend class & submit work, PLUS have the camera showing their full face unless there is an activity where the teacher has them turn it off.  This allows the AVS staff the opportunity to know their students since they will not be face-to-face. *
I understand my child will be required to report in person to the Alamance Virtual School (at Sellers Gunn) for any/all state or national testing that is not completed online.  This includes all EOGs (4-8), EOCs (9-12), PreACT (10), ACT (11), and WorkKeys (12). *
I understand that my child MUST reside in Alamance County AT ALL TIMES while attending the Alamance Virtual School.  Due to geoblocking, students CAN NOT participate in virtual classes or submit assignments if they are outside of Alamance County. *
I understand the above questions and the requirements to attend the Alamance Virtual School.  I also understand that by signing (typing) my name below I am agreeing that my child will follow all the above requirements. *
Please state student's zone school (based on home address) *
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