ILC: Transfer-of-credit Survey

It is vital for Immanuel Lutheran College to receive information from
students who have transferred or attempted to transfer any
college-department credits which you earned at ILC. This provides direction
for course changes, for transferring credits by students and for maintaining
our transfer of credit agreements. Therefore we want to keep a current,
ongoing survey.  Please fill out the survey now. This will enable you to
fill out the information while it is fresh for you and for us to stay
current. It will probably take you only about 10-15 minutes to answer the
questions. In case you have had your ILC credits evaluated by more than one
college or university please fill out multiple forms. We will not share your
personal information. The information which you provide may be of real help
to future students of our college. Thank you for taking the time for the
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Name of student: *
Maiden name of student
if applicable
Address of student:
Phone number of student:
Email address of student:
College/university that evaluated your college transcript from ILC:
Location of school:
City, State
Year in which this school evaluated your ILC college transcript:
Level of work which you intended to do at this school:
Check any that apply
Did you subsequently take courses at this school?
Clear selection
Approximate number of ILC college-department credits accepted by the above school:
Select the item which most closely applies
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If at least some ILC college-department credits were accepted by the above college or university, which of the following helped you to accomplish this
Check all that apply
If none of your ILC college-department credits was accepted by the above college or university, which of the following did you employ in an attempt to reverse the negative decision:
Check all that apply
If none of your ILC college-department credits was accepted by the above college or university, what reason did they give you for their negative decision:
Check the item which most closely applies
Clear selection
Did your academic experiences in the college department of ILC adequately prepare you for your course work in the above-named college or university?
This does not refer to whether ILC’s credits successfully transferred, but whether or not the student was academically ready to do acceptable work in the school to which he or she transferred.
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If you wish, please elaborate:
Advice, if any, which you would give to future college students at ILC with respect to transferring credits to other colleges or universities:
Further comments, if any:
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