Fermilab 2017 LSST DESC Hack Week - Travel Support Application Form
Thanks to LSSTC and some local funding, we can provide partial travel support for students and postdocs to attend the LSST DESC Hack Week at Fermilab in April 2017.  The total pool of funds will be used to support travel grants of a few hundred dollars each.  In cases where no flight is needed, a lower level of support may be provided.  To apply for travel support, both the applicant and current advisor/supervisor should complete their own version of this form, with the applicant entering a brief statement (described below) and the advisor entering a brief recommendation.
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Applicant Last Name *
Applicant First Name *
Applicant Institution *
Applicant Country *
i.e. the country in which your institution is located
Supervisor Name *
Your Email Address *
i.e. so we can contact you, whether you are an applicant or a supervisor..
Justification *
Applicants: please write a brief statement (one or two paragraphs, less than one page) about your interests in LSST DESC work, and how you think you will benefit from attending the hack week. Supervisors: please provide a brief statement describing what the applicant could bring to the Hack Week and/or how the applicant might benefit from attending Hack Week. Or, paste an existing letter of recommendation (don't worry about formatting).
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