FALC Adoption Application
Please fill out this form in its entirety.
*A member of our Adoption Committee will reach out to you within 48 hours after receiving the application.
*Adoption Fee $125. 
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Email *
Cat/ kitten's name (or seeking pre-approval): *
Your full (first and last) name: *
Have you adopted from FALC before?  *
If you have adopted from us, what is the cat's name that you adopted?
Home address (including city, state, and zip code) : *
Applicant Date of Birth *
Primary phone number: *
Alternate phone number:
Acceptable contact method (select all that apply): *
If you are considering adopting a "special needs" pet, do you have experience with special needs animals? If so, please explain.
Number of people in your household: *
Number and ages of children in your household (if any):
Are all members of your household aware of and in agreement regarding a new pet?
Do you own your home? *
If renting, please give the name and phone number of your landlord or Apartment Complex.
Where will the pet be kept? *
If you chose mostly inside, mostly outside, or outside only, what type of shelter is outside?
Please list what pets you currently own, their age and species (if no pets, type "none"):
Are they all spayed/neutered?
How many pets have you owned in the past three years? *
Do you still have them? If not, what happened to them? If they passed, how?
If you have a dog or cat, what type of heartworm prevention are they on?
If you have a dog or cat, have they received vaccinations within the past year?
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If you have a cat, have they tested negative for FIV & FeLV?
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If your pet has received vaccinations, who administered them?
Please list any pets that will be residing with your pet, but that you do not claim ownership of (example - roommate’s pets or pets of other family members). Please list the owner’s name and phone number.
If you are applying to adopt a cat, do you plan to have this cat declawed?
If you have had pets, Please list the name and phone number of your veterinarian below. By submitting this form, you are giving us permission to ask your veterinarian questions regarding your previous/current pets' medical records.
If you have not had pets, still list the name and phone number of a veterinarian in your area you would like to use, or ask us for a recommendation!
How did you hear about us? *
The average estimated cost of owning a dog or cat in the US is $800-$1000 for the first year and $500-$800 each year thereafter. Are you prepared to financially provide for the pet you are planning to adopt?
You understand that you are applying to adopt a rescued cat whose previous medical history is unknown before it entered the rescue. You understand that we cannot guarantee the health of our animals. Kittens/cats are tested for FIV (Feline HIV) and FeLV (Feline Leukemia) before placement, but beyond that we cannot anticipate future medical problems that may arise. You agree that, as the kitten/cat's legal guardian, all future veterinary costs are your sole responsibility from the date of adoption.
What plan do you have in the event: You are traveling away for extended periods of time?
What plan do you have in the event: You graduate or relocate?
What plan do you have in the event: You become ill or are unable to care for the pet(s) otherwise?
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