Keady Baptist Church 'Hope Kids' 2023-24 Consent Form
Any information on this form will be held in confidence.  The leaders need to know these details in order to meet the specific needs of your child. We do not share your information with third parties unless the law requires us to do so. You have the right to request access to/removal of your personal data that we hold.

Please read everything and complete the whole form. 
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Child's Full Name *
Home Address *
Postcode *
Parent /Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Contact Number  *
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Number  *
In the event of a medical emergency, leaders will endeavour to contact you as soon as possible using the contact numbers provided. 
Please indicate any medical conditions, special needs, allergies or dietary requirements relevant to your child. Include any medication being taken and anything else that would be helpful for the leaders to know. If there is nothing please state 'none'. 
I agree to inform the leaders of any important changes to my child's health, medication or needs and also of any changes to my address or to any of the phone numbers given above.  *
I give consent for my child's photograph to be taken and used for general church purposes (Publicity via our Facebook page, Church Website and Newspaper).
I give consent for my child's data to be stored securely for medical, safeguarding and emergency purposes.
In the event of illness or accident, having parental responsibility for the above named child, I give permission for first aid to be administered where considered necessary by a suitably qualified individual.  
I give consent for my telephone number to be used for any updates or information, for example, a change of time.  *
We collect this information solely for the organisation, risk management and safety of our church activities. Your data will be stored securely by Keady Baptist Church and will only be accessed by appropriate persons for the purposes set out above. Failure to provide us with accurate personal information and the necessary consent may affect our ability to run the activities efficiently.
By completing this form, clicking confirm and entering your name below, you confirm that you have read and understood all of the above. You also confirm that the above details are correct and you give permission for the above named child to attend Keady Baptist Church 'Hope Kids' at their usual meeting places and participate in all their activities during the 2023-24 academic year (Sept 23 - May 24). 
Name *
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