InclusiveDC Workshop Series Application
Dear Educators:

Please complete this form to apply for SchoolTalk's InclusiveDC Workshop Series.

SchoolTalk's InclusiveDC Workshop Series supports the successful transition of D.C. high school students with disabilities by helping them build self-awareness, self-expression, self-advocacy skills, and technical career skills. 

Funded by the D.C. Department on Disability Services’ Rehabilitation Services Administration, SchoolTalk provides this programming at no cost to teachers and schools.

This is a Pre Employment Transition Service (Pre-ETS), funded by the D.C. Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA). SchoolTalk schedules class-based series on a first-come, first-served basis, dependent on all participating youth completing required RSA documentation prior to the start of the first workshop.

Workshops are provided in-person at your school to classes or small groups of students. Each series consists of one to four workshops around one of the following topics:

  • Self-Expression
  • Career Exploration

  • Self-Advocacy

  • Student-Driven Planning

For additional information, questions, or to set up an information session email Naisha Dembele, SchoolTalk’s senior program assistant at or 202-321-9850.   
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Email *
Educator First & Last Name *
School *
Educator Job Title *
Educator Contact Information (Phone & Email) *
Rank your interest in each workshop series. Please note: each series listed below consists of 4 workshops, 1 hour per workshop. *
Career Exploration
Student Driven Planning
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
4th Choice
Please list ALL students that you want to participate and their birthdays using this format:  
first name, last name, DOB (mm/dd/yyyy), usi # 
Roughly how many of the students have already completed an RSA PreETS consent form or referral? *
Please list the educational setting and accommodations that best support your students. *
What technology do your students have access to? For example, please let us know if your students use Chromebooks, iPads, cell phones, etc. during in person and virtual learning. *
Please check all days & time windows that your class is available for workshops.  *
Please note any details about your scheduling preferences (days of the week & class times).  *
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