African-American Education Network Event Submission and Nomination Form
Contact the African-American Education Network to submit an event or nominate an outstanding individual in the community to spotlight!

Please note, you will not be signed up for our email updates unless you check the box below.
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First and Last Name
Email address *
Primary phone number:
What is your preferred method of contact? (Select all that apply)
Event Form Submission
Fill out this section to submit an event that you would like added to the community calendar.
Title and description of event (include registration information)
Event date:
Event start time:
Event end time:
Nominate an outstanding educator or community member
Do you know an outstanding educator, family or community member that is going above and beyond in their work? Submit a nomination for a chance to feature this person on our website!
Nominations should include the individual's full name and a description of their accomplishments:
I also want to receive email updates from the African-American Education Network on upcoming events, opportunities, DPS news and more. *
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