Parent Info Session - Sign Up
Presentation:  An Introduction to the Presuming Competence Mindset and Letterboard Method as it pertains to the Non Speaking Autistic Population

During the presentation, the following topics will be discussed: 
- Viewing non speaking autism as motor and sensory challenges and not as an intellectual deficit 
- Presuming competence; what does that mean and how to do it 
- The letterboard method as a tool for communication 
- Demonstration of letterboard method through videos of non speaking autistic individuals using the letterboard for communication 

Event Details: 
Date:  Sunday, April 14th 
Time:  4:30pm - 5:30pm
Location:  Beyond Gymnastics @ 16333 George Oneal Rd. 
Cost: Free for parents

Presented By: 
Eileen Himel of EnPhase 

Please submit the following form to register for the event. Your name and contact information are required, but the remaining questions are optional and just included to give us an idea of who we have in the audience. 

Thank you!

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Your Name  *
Email Address *
Optional: Please select the box that best describes your interest in attending this presentation.  *
Optional:  Please select which topic(s) of the presentation you are most interested in learning about.  *
Optional:  Feel free to give us a little background about yourself, your family and children, and/or the population you work with. Your response will be shared with our presenter to give her an idea of who we are presenting to, but will not be shared with any other participants.   *
Optional:  Are there any specific questions you would like to submit to our presenters to address during our session?  *
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