A Q-MARE geotagged educational portal
Aim: Assembling Q-MARE-relevant educational media and multimedia into a geotagged portal. The portal will be a starting point for educators, Q-MARE participants, and other stakeholders. This will also be a springboard for future educational goals of Q-MARE Working Group members. 

We are first assembling extant material that our participants and working group members have previously generated related to the theme of Q-MAREDisentangling climate and pre-industrial human impacts on marine ecosystems. Educational material or modules created by others that is relevant to disentangling climate and pre-industrial human impacts on marine ecosystems can also be added if particularly salient. Depending upon interest of working group members and funding to develop new material, Q-MARE educational modules and other content will be added.

Outcomes: Responses from the form below will be used to generate an interactive map programmed in R and generated using Leaflet. After an initial deadline, the map will be updated every 6 months or so after content moderation. Anyone interested in updating, using, or contributing to the code is welcome (and probably needed). Please let Jess L-D (talkstodiatoms@gmail.com), Konstantina Agiadi, or Danae know. R code and map will be shared with contributors in a Q-MARE folder.

The "Q-MARE geotagged educational content portal" was inspired by conversations from a Q-MARE workshop led by NAGT director Anne Eggers during an early 2023 Q-Mare meeting hosted online by the Museum of Palaeontology and Geology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Greece.

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For example: linked content (underlined in blue) to external websites and short descriptions. Screenshot below shows from some examples published on RPubs using Leaflet: https://rpubs.com/jl16/998193.
Section 1 of 5: The "geo" of the geotag. 
Lat x long for the tagged information on the map. Geographic focus of your educational content.
(decimal degrees) (convert here if need be)
(decimal degrees) (convert here if need be)
Section 2 of 5: The "tag" of the geotag. 
Note: google web addresses (including youtube, googleSites, and googleDocs) require opening in a new tab from the Leaflet map; most other sites will open directly. 
Full web address of the media object
Link to your graphical abstract, short video, infographic or other outreach or educational material
Name of your educational content
This is the text that will be displayed on the map
Section 3 of 5: Short description of the geotag. 
Text that will show up below the linked content on the tag "popup".
Comment #1 of 3: What type of media is your educational material?
You can choose only one--so choose wisely :) This is how your media will be coded on the map.
Comment #2 of 3: What question is asked--or topic explored--in your linked material above?
Minimize jargon and length
Comment #3 of 3: Is your media available in multiple languages? 
If 'just' English, leave blank 
Clear selection
Section 4 of 5: Other information (not included on the map). 
These data will not be on the map, but will be maintained in metadata for future coding if more details are needed
Audience: who are you trying to reach with the educational material above? 
Does your educational material describe methods, a study result, an educational goal, or something else?
General location of the educational content above
(e.g., ocean basin or ecosystem type on which the educational content is based; I know it seems redundant)
Taxonomic focus of the educational content above
Units of time focused on in the educational media above
Clear selection
Primary data types discussed in the educational material above
Section 5 of 5: Demographic information
These will not be on the map, but might still be useful. 
Position & career stage
(e.g., staff scientist, graduate student, postdoctoral scholar, research scientist, professor, lecturer, communicator, k-12 educator, industry professional)
Where are you based geographically (different from where is your ecosystem-of-interest)?
(e.g., country or continent)
Your primary discipline
Clear selection
If you had a time machine and could go back in time to one period, where and when would you travel?
Other notes
Clear form
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