Cascade STEAM Community Survey

We are excited to launch Cascade STEAM with your input and participation.

Prior to providing your input, please review our organization overview regarding our mission, structure, and opportunities for engagement, and our website home page for general context:

Note: Your input is anonymous unless you wish to provide your contact information at the end of the survey.

Please contact Michael Gan, Cascade STEAM President, for any inquiries at, 360-499-2099, or via the Cascade STEAM Community Hub (Discord) @Michael Gan.

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In what topics are you interested and/or experienced?
Check all that apply
What role(s) best describe you?
Check all that apply
How are you interested to get involved?
Check all that apply
What elements of the Cascade STEAM mission align with your interests, experience, and/or expertise?
Do you have any other feedback to share?
Contact Information

Please share your contact information if you are open to followup.

First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Would you like to share more about yourself?
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