2021 USATF National Junior Olympics Meet
For this meet only, you'll fill out this google form, pay via check or venmo, and OTM will enter all interested athletes as a team.

OTM Registration Deadline: June 28th (earlier registration takes priority in case of a tie, so OTM plans to register by the 28th)

Meet Info: https://florida.usatf.org/events/2021/2021-usatf-national-junior-olympic-track-field-cha
July 26-August 1
University of North Florida
Talahassee, FL

You are REQUIRED to have a USATF membership (that has been renewed for the 2021 season if you're a past USATF member) for this track meet. You can get your athlete a USATF number at https://www.usatf.org/home/top-utility-nav-content/membership. The club code for OTM Track Club is 09-0210.

Age verification is REQUIRED and now processed by uploading documents through USATF. The verification is done by the National Office and can take up to 5 business days to be completed. Age verification must be finished before the closing date of entries for a meet.  This video should help you:https://vimeopro.com/user44435707/usatf-connect-member-tutorials/video/403329154
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Guidelines of Participation - please read!!!
All athletes are required to have a negative covid test prior to competition (see the pdf)
Our assumption is that we register athletes with their best time/distances and if they are in the top # for their age/event (see the pdf), they will qualify for this meet. So please understand just because you register for the National meet does not mean you will qualify and be able to compete in the National meet... this is a new qualifying process for all of us...
Please fill out a separate google form for each athlete you'd like to register.
Athletes 12 and under can ONLY register for 3 events. Athletes 13 and older can register for 4 events.
Name of Athlete *
USATF number *
Birthdate *
Age of Athlete on December 31, 2021 (this is the age group they must compete in) *
Event and Best Time/Distance (must be from one of the track meets OTM competed in this season) *
Event and Best Time/Distance (must be from one of the track meets OTM competed in this season)
Event and Best Time/Distance (must be from one of the track meets OTM competed in this season)
Event and Best Time/Distance (must be from one of the track meets OTM competed in this season) CAN ONLY DO 4 EVENTS IF YOU'RE 13 OR OLDER
Payment ~ This meet fee is $10 per event. (OTM will reimburse you if your child does not end up qualifying for this meet) *
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