Media Enquiries
Thank you for your interest in Sing2G7. Please complete the short form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We're a tiny volunteer team so please bear with us. Thank you! The Sing2G7 Team.
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First Name *
Surname *
Publication *
Have you written about Sing2G7 before? *
How can we help? *
What is your twitter handle please?
Data Protection: I am happy for Sing2G7  to keep my information solely for the purpose of keeping me informed about the Sing2G7 project and for essential follow-up afterwards. Your data can be erased at your request at any point. To do this, please email Data Protection Act 1998: your personal information will be kept on a database. This information will not be passed to any third parties without your explicit consent and will only be used by Sing2G7 to contact you in relation to this programme. Thank you! *
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