Ziegler School -- Harmed Parties and Solidarity 
If you were harmed in any capacity as a student (former or current) of/by the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, and/or if you believe those coming forward to talk about their experiences of harm at the Ziegler School and wish to be notified about opportunities to be in solidarity with them (joining sign-on letters and the like-- we'll always ask, you'll always have the chance to opt-in), please let us know.  Your name will ALWAYS be kept confidential to the organizers of this group only and will NEVER be shared out without your consent. 
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If you have a story to share, would you be interested, willing, open (potentially) to sharing it 
Would you be able to offer 
If you checked "something else," please tell us what that is!
If you'd like to be added to a relevant WhatsApp group (for support, strategy, etc), please let us know what number to use: 
Anything else we should know about at this point?
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