Campus Martius Field Trip Registration (2023-2024)
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School Name *
School Street Address *
City, State, Zip Code *
Main Contact Name (Teacher/Staff) *
Main Contact Email *
Main Contact Phone Number *
Grade Level *
Number of Students *
Number of Adults (1 per group of no more than 12 students and 1 to 2 extras as "floaters" unless arrangements have been made with museum staff) *
Do you anticipate allowing students to purchase items from the museum gift shop?  *
Will you be eating lunch at the museum?  *
Do you have any students with physical or communication limitations that our staff should be aware of? If so please reach out to a museum staff member to specify how we can make specific accommodations.  *
Please select from the following:
First date preference *
Second date preference  *
I understand that registrations are accepted in the order they are received and that preference is not given to individuals, schools, or teachers.  *
I understand that my registration is not complete until Northwest Territory Museum Society has confirmed my date.  *
I understand that full payment must be made at least 24 hours in advance.  *
I understand that my first and/or second date/time is not guaranteed and that I may be placed on a waiting list if program dates are filled.  *
I understand that I can update my number of students up to two weeks in advance without a penalty.  *
I understand that no program is guaranteed as availability is reliant on museum staffing.  *
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