6th RSPCA International Meeting: "Refinement of Animal Studies with a Focus on Severe Suffering"

On November 20-21, 2024, the RSPCA and co-organisers* will host a 1.5-day in-person event in Gentilly, France, as part of its "Focus on Severe Suffering" initiative aimed at addressing and reducing severe suffering in animal research. 

The meeting will feature presentations, case studies, and breakout discussions, providing participants the opportunity to compare approaches to refinement and share best practices. The event will bring together scientists, veterinarians, animal facility managers, technologists, and other professionals to share insights and strategies, with a focus on research fields such as neuroscience, cancer, and cardiovascular research.

To apply to attend this event, please complete and submit this short online form. Please note that the meeting will be in-person.

We will confirm your registration by email and will include details of the exact meeting location in Gentilly, France. 

The meeting will be held across two days, beginning at 09:00 on 20 November 2024 and ending at 12:00 on 21 November.

We are pleased to announce that there will be NO registration fee, due to the generosity of RSPCA sponsors and co-organisers.

A full programme will be sent to all registered and confirmed participants - and is also available on request by emailing: animalsinscience@rspca.org.uk 

Visit focusonseveresuffering.co.uk to find out more about this initiative

Closing date for registration: Thursday 5th October 2024

*This event is organised in in association with FC3R, AFSTAL, GIRCOR, OPAL, Sanofi, RN-SBEA, RN-CEEA, DCL solutions.
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First Name *
As you wish it to appear on your name badge. This information will be forwarded to the venue for registration and security purposes.
Family Name *
As you wish it to appear on your name badge. This information will be forwarded to the venue for registration and security purposes.
Affiliated organisation *
As you wish it to appear on your name badge. This information will be forwarded to the venue for registration and security purposes.
Full postal address of your affiliated organisation *
This information may be used to make contact with you regarding this event.
Country *
This information will enable the meeting organisers to better understand the composition of the audience/participants.
Contact email address *
This information will be used to send you confirmation of registration and further details about the day.
Contact telephone number *
This information may be used to make contact with you regarding this event.
Primary role *
For example; research scientist; veterinarian; animal technologist; regulator; member of Animal Welfare Body or National Committee etc. As places are limited, those with direct involvement in the regulation, care and use of animals will be prioritised.
Specific dietary requirements *
This information will be used to inform the venue of your requirements. Please state 'none' if you do not have any.
Any other comments, including any accessibility requirements (e.g. step-free access).
'No Show' Fee *
Please tick this box to confirm that you understand that once your registration has been confirmed, if you do not turn up to  the meeting without giving us at least 7 days prior notice, you may be charged a non-attendance fee of 50 Euros.  This is due to the RSPCA incurring meeting related administration and organisational costs which we would not be able to recover ourselves.
Privacy policy
For further information about how your personal data is used, please visit our website at: https://www.rspca.org.uk/utilities/privacy 
Limitations of organiser's liability
Participants attend the meeting at their own risk and the RSPCA shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by participants as a result of their attendance, or as a result of their non attendance or for changes to the programme caused by circumstances beyond the RSPCA's control.  Nothing shall exclude the RSPCA's liability for death, personal injury or damage to property caused by negligence on its part.
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